Thoughts on an old TV programme
My only prior knowledge of this series was as
something on the
telly that my parents liked to watch about some guy with a
long face in a light mac wandering about quietly talking to
people. It is curious how the placing of a silver disc into a slot
changes everything. The ‘theme tune’ is the first thing to
spellbind you; a trombone and guitar, two utterly dissimilar
instruments in discussion, trying to pull each other different ways
harmonically, yet somehow everything belongs together; a
perfect musical metaphor for what takes place in the show
itself. It seems to me that this is all about ambivalence.
Frank Marker is not so much inscrutable as the embodiment of
ambivalence. His investigations necessarily involve him using
deceit, yet he is an honest man with a strong sense of fair play.
He is a ‘Billy no-mates’, an independent loner, yet people take
to him and want to help him. He seems to have no need of
friends yet is friendly to people. He understands others yet seems
to be uncertain about himself. All this seems to project into his
surroundings such that everything takes on this hue; a sort of
Frank Marker universe that is true to our world in a curiously
parallel sort of way. The stories also seem to reflect this
in their structure. They begin by establishing a premise that seems
firm enough to lead to an inevitable set of possible conclusions,
yet during the course of the episode this slowly erodes to reveal
something quite different: Not in the form of vulgar ‘twist’
endings, but in the way a snake sheds its skin or a face of
somebody walking towards you subtly changes as the person
gets closer.
The introduction of 'Nell' is particularly inspired in the way that
she replaces the function of Mrs Mortimer in a completely
different, yet thoroughly effective realisation.
Nell is seen as a sort of fairy of the lavender mist dwelling in an
undisturbed part of the garden, just beyond the old iron gate,
whom we go to 'talk to' in quiet moments. Her location in the
Victorian antiques shop, her looks and polite manners, innocent
but not naive, support this idea as Marker makes visits to her
enchanted world. She is the living incarnation of the china doll
he purchases in the Brighton series; a world utterly different from
the one Marker must inhabit to earn his living, yet indicating
something of his interior life, untainted by his pavement-
pounding routine. One feels it is the same place that gives birth
to his fundamental honesty and sense of fair play. The gift of an
adhesive sole for his leaking shoe is a particularly beautiful and
touching metaphor; a crazy sort of inversion of the Cinderella
motif. Full of charm, sensitivity and affection, this relationship
entirely without lust or conditions, so different from the
relationship he has with the policeman Percy Fairbank with its
friendship born out of their shared professional concerns.
Chris Bennett 2008